First of all, I hope everyone knows that there are different kinds of ants. Even though that's a fact, ants are classified as one family.
It is believed that they evolved from a wasp like soil insects. These little special creatures belong in the animal kingdom. They sure don't look like it but they are defiantly animals. These creatures are related to the, quite dangerous, wasps and bees.
Even though they seem small and helpless, they can be really strong in groups. They especially work best in hunting while in groups. They can carry things that are heavier than their own weight. These fascinating creatures are classified in duties. There are worker ants, soldiers, the babies, the drones, and the Queen. There can be more than a million ant workers in one colony. The workers' jobs are to build and expand the spaces in an ant hill. An ant hill is a hill of sand that the worker ants dug for the rest of the colony to live in and them selves.
The soldiers are to protect the colony from any invaders like cockroaches or any other insects. These ants are needed in colonies. Not only do they protect the colony but they hunt for food as well. Some of these soldiers' duty is to either fight, protect, or scout around for the workers. After they start scouting and then if they find something. The workers will come help the soldiers bring the food back to the queen and some for themselves too.
The drones are just simply the only ones that have wings permanently. Their job is to mate with the Queen. First they fly into the air above the colony forming clouds and then the Queen will mate with the drones and the drone will die.The normal life span for a drone is about 2-3 days.
The Queen
The Queen is the larger than the workers and drones. The Queen is the one that keeps the colony together and working. It produces particular pheromones that makes everything and everyone working in the colony. The Queen also creates a distinct smell for the colony. Every ant in the colony smells just about the same. The Queen is the only one that is able to lay fertilized eggs for the colony. The Queen is practically the mother of the whole colony. The Queen is able to live for 15 years and mate only once in its life-span.
There are many kinds of Bees. Some of which I can't even pronounce properly. Bees are like ants. The only different from most of the ants is that they are able to fly. All bees are able to fly.
Bees' are insects. Bees' are the ones we should thank for all the flowers in this world. They do something called pollination. Pollination is when the bees' flying around flowers and collecting pollens. While they do that, the pollen collects on their legs and while the bee finishes collecting, it'll start flying around again and the pollen will fall into and soil thus planting more flowers.
Bees are really protective. They can sting you for no reason and then die off.
All creatures must have some place to live in. Unlike ants, bees live in a nest. Inside is a big honey comb chamber. Inside each honey comb is either an egg or honey. Like ants, the bees are sorted be duties. There are soldiers, workers, larvae, drones, and the Queen. The worker's job is to build the nest and block off the larvae after feeding them in their chamber in the honey comb.
The Queen
The Queen of the bees are just about the same as the ones of ants.
The wasp is like the ant and the bee, they are most likely to travel in groups. They are more powerful that way. The wasp is almost like the bee but except the part in between the body and the abdomen. Its thinner than the bees'. The wasp is an insect. There are many different species of wasps. The Yellow Jacket is an example of one. All wasps are like Bees. They sting!
The wasps fall in two categories. They're solitary wasps and social wasps. Solitary wasps are generally adult wasps that travel alone and do not tend to build nests. All solitary adult wasps are fertile.
The Queen
The Queen is like the Queen of bees.