Sunday, December 03, 2006

Wind Energy (Science Fair Project)

"One kind of recyclable energy is wind energy. It is pllution- free and it gives off alot of good energy. This kind of energy has been used for thousands of years. Almost everything that travelled accross sea had to use the wind as a source of energy, before the invention of the Steam-engine or electricity. Wind is everywhere! It's just another kind of Solar energy. Sunlight that shines on water will make it to start evapurating and the water droplets will rise up and warm up while rising to make wind. Wind is mostly created because of different temperatures all around the world. Place with the most wind's are coastlines, anywhere near water like the lakes, oceans, rivers(etc)."
This is all I wrote for my Science Fair project ~_~. I need some help with it. I need more info. Can anyone help me please? I'm still searching for Info but I can't seem to find anything else. Everything I find about wind energy always talks about the history of wind and stuff. Or maybe I should just go look for info in books.


jed said...

En plus, je trouve que les éoliennes sont des objets magnifiques !

Kenneth Kwok said...

Merci boucoup, Jed!

jed said...

Hello Kenneth,

I found a good web site. Ok, the layout is uggly but the content looks good...
Also, it's in French....
Anyway, have a look :

jed said...

Nice pictures here :

jed said...

What about that :

Kenneth Kwok said...

Ty Jed I really appreciate it ^^.