Saturday, March 24, 2007

Green Earth

Once there was a great green planet called the Earth. But now it is just a planet of pollution and grief. Everywhere you go on this once green planet, you will see garbage everywhere on the ground. Dead bodies are lying around in places that are not suppose to have any because of the endless wars that us greedy humans (no offense) fight for because we always want things for ourselves. Gases are killing our earth by making the O-Zone Layer thinner. What can we do to help our earth to grow back into its original self before we actually destroy it ourselves? Here are some good tips that I thought up myself:

-plant extra trees if you have room around you (optional)
-do not use your car too much. Instead ride a bicycle and use your car when you really need it.
-do not use too much garbage (ex. Instead of using a tissue once or twice, you may use a paper towel and you may use it for even 4 or 5 times or use a towel and then wash it off)

For more info please give me some sites or some more ideas of how to save our Earth, so I may put them on this post. Thank You.

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